PolyArch Research_002. 2015


PolyArch is a personal research project that started off with a simple question; what is a 3D mesh? Greetings Hemesh, a beautiful library for Processing that enables you to generate 3D geometric form. The intricacies of programming the third dimension are well worth the effort, if only like me you eventually come back to 2D with more confidence. You learn a lot about geometry and as Frieder Nake once said to me, "geometry is heaven, graphics is hell". I'm not in total agreement but I always love that quote. Here are some examples of the fruit of that research into the realm of polygons. I called it PolyArch because I'm intrigued too by architecture. Additional raytracing was rendered with SunFlow.

Project type : Formal research
Tools used : Processing, Hemesh, Java SunFlow
Code Repository : Hemesh tutorial

PolyArch Research_003. 2015

PolyArch Research_005. 2015

I love music, I play the piano and have dabbled in many an electronic laptop adventure. It has always been my dream to work with musicians and on the visual side. There is comfort in working with sound and there is even more comfort in working for a fixed format - that of the perennial album cover. I had the rare occasion to design the artwork for a French contemporary jazz setup based in Paris. My PolyArch experiments were used for their album, Silent Form. I'd love to pursue with more...

Silent Form CD Cover. 2015

PolyArch Research_010. 2015

PolyArch Research_012. 2015

PolyArch Research_014. 2015